Volunteers are not paid.
Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless!
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Be prepared to come in at a suitably arranged time for an interview if requested Be prepared to attend our next scheduled Orientation morning (10h00 to 12h30 +/-) Be prepared to be flexible in order to assist where needed most Be prepared to be reliable and committed
Next Volunteer Orientation morning 09h00 to 12h00 - Date to be confirmed.
SLCH Central Office - 92 Harfield Road, Kenilworth, Cape Town (By invitation only).
If interested in joining our Care Team or Bereavement Team A PERSON MUST: Be willing to attend the necessary courses held at our central office in Kenilworth.
Volunteer Courses Available:- Please note course fees apply for the below.
Basic Hospice Course - To be advised - Course fee R2000.00 to be confirmed.
Bereavement Courses - Upcoming dates - 14th, 16th & 18th October 2024. Bereavement course runs over 3 days from 08h30 to 15h30 / Course fee R3000.00 (TBA)
Be prepared for good company, joy and laughter while giving something back!
Please complete the relevant Volunteer Application forms, email or drop off at our office.
Volunteer Application Form: (click to download)
Volunteer Application Form: (click to complete online & save)
Volunteers Code of Conduct: (click to complete online & save)
Volunteer Course Registration Form: (click to download)
''The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it''
John Ruskin
Bric-a-Brac, Crockery & Cutlery, Pots & Pans, Linen, Wool & Haberdashery
Clothing Adults & Children, Handbags & Shoes, Accessories, Jewellery & Trinkets
Books, Magazines, Puzzles, Stationery, Sports equipment, Tog bags,
Baskets, Records, CD's, Electrical goods & Appliances in working order
Toys, Games, Pictures frames, Pictures & Paintings
Furniture, Mirrors, Lights, Garden Tools, Garden Furniture
We often get wonderful "Treasures" donated at both our shops. Alistar our trusted assistant repairs and polishes, to a mirror finish, solid wood furniture for resale at our Milnerton shop.
Please donate electrical goods & appliances in good working order and furniture intact.It would be appreciated if clothing and linen donated were fresh, clean and of good quality.Bric brac, books and all other items donated should be suitable for resale.
As a charity our shops are at times seen as a dumping ground. Precious time is spent by volunteers sorting items for resale in vain, and our only vehicle is tied up discarding items at the dump instead of collecting items for resale or delivering beds urgently for our Patients.
We are indebted to you for your support and generosity, St Luke's Hospice West Coast could not go forward without your help and kindness ....Please embrace our "Charity Shop Plea".
Kindly bring your own bags, we do not supply bags, and no longer hand out plastic bags!
Assist with reception duties Assist in our charity shops Assist at events if needed
Become part of Day Care Assist with catering needs Join our Bereavement team
Volunteer, make new friends Make a donation Donate your services
Add a bequest to your will Create crafts for our shops Support Hospice functions
In the times in which we live many of your pupils may have encountered or had to deal with the death of a family member or friend.
It is sometimes difficult to talk of death or dying and may be especially so when children or youth are involved.
By pupils being associated with St Luke's Hospice West Coast, be it by collecting donations on our behalf or in school community projects we hope they may become less stressed when faced with death and grow in awareness from their connection to our work.
We would like to encourage schools to help pupils become aware of the beneficial role that St Luke's Hospice plays both to patients during their illness as well as to the extended family so that death can be seen as part of living.
Collect goods e.g. clothing, bric-a-brac, books, toys etc for sale in either of our two charity shops.
Sell hand made crafts or hold a cake sale at school or at their local shopping centre (where permission obtained).
A school “Civvies” day to collect funds for St Luke’s Hospice West Coast.
Work a shift during school holidays in one of our charity shops as part of their community service (with parents permission).
Organize a Christmas Table at their local shopping centre to raise funds on our behalf (with permission).
Christmas time is a busy time for all, a gift wrapped by a smiling young face on behalf of St Luke’s Hospice would no doubt be welcomed.
Should your school pupils wish to become involved in raising funds on behalf of St Luke's Hospice West Coast or should your school staff require further information about our organisation or if you would like us to hold a talk at your school we would welcome your inquiry. Please contact St Luke's Hospice West Coast.
Volunteers have hearts of gold / Helping people young and old
Always giving, always sharing
Volunteers....Are always caring